If you happen to be near 17 Pitfield Street, Hoxton, LONDON N1 6HB on the 26th of April, you might want to check out the launch of a fascinating project called “codex: between this and that”. The project, a collaboration between artists Egidija Čiricaitė, Chris Gibson and George Cullen, explores ‘the codex’ as a concept, and is […]
Creative Friends
Sporadic Efforts at Blogging
On my mind…
Steampunk Solstice What Ho!
Steampunk… just the word brings to mind an image of rich leather, gleaming brass, strange maps and turning gears. A time that never was, in a world that’s only partly recognisable as our own. I love the steampunk ethos of creativity, of living in a world where people still spend time making things, and making […]